The bulleted lines are clickable:
Lucretia Tye Jasmine donates some of her riot grrrl and zine collection to NYU
Lucretia Tye Jasmine’s zine contribution in Love Letter To A Feminist
Perfect 10: Beauty Pageant Series, 1 issue
The Riot Grrrl Project, 1 book zine
contributor, collage, art, and writing
Love Letter To A Feminist, 1 issue
contributor, “music notes are love letters”
The Good, The True, The Beautiful, 1 issue
contributor, A Grrrl’s Diary art, “Love Letters To My Once and Future Self,” personal essay
Some Girls Riot, 1 issue co-contributor with my mother 2015
Touché, 1 issue
The Groupie Gospels, 1 issue
Ghost Author, 1 issue
Absolution, 1 issue
co-contributer with my mother
Revolution Rising, 4 issues
1993 – 1995
eracism, 1 issue
TVI, 4 issues co-contributor with Lucid Nation 1993 – 1995
riot grrrl, 1 issue
The Meat Hook, 4 issues
1990 – 1994
Support Against Sexism, 9 issues
Oral Histories/Mixtapes Zines
The Groupie Gospels mixtape zine, interviews on cassette. I’m conducting scads of interviews with notorious women (and a few men) about their rock & roll adventures, and how those adventures reflect the evolution of women’s roles during Second Wave Feminism, for a zine with a mixtape. Interviews are with groupies, writers, and photographers, and have been conducted from 2011-2025.
riot grrrl Los Angeles 1992-1995 mixtape zine, interviews on cassette. I conducted as many interviews as there are songs on a cassette tape for a zine with a mixtape. Interviews are with women who were in riot grrrl from 1992-1995 in Los Angeles, and were conducted from 2010-2020.
Zines Excerpted as Primary Resources
The Meat Hook in:
La Dimension Artistique du Courant Riot Grrrl thesis by Naemi Piecuch, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès UFR Histoire, Arts et Archéologie Département Histoire de l’Art et Archéologie, 2022
Gender in the Music Industry: Rock Discourse and Girl Power by Marion Leonard. Vermont: Ashgate, 2007
Girls Make Media by Mary Celeste Kearney. New York: Routledge, 2006
Cool Places: Geographies of Youth Cultures under “The New Girl Geographies” by Tracey Skelton and Gill Valentine, eds. New York: Routledge, 1998
A Girl’s Guide To Taking Over the World: Writing from the Girl Zine Revolution by Tristan Taormino and Karen Green, eds. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997
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